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An Assorted Pick

The photo shows a bag of frozen green peas sitting on top of a wooden table. The bag is white with green lettering that says "FruitLand Frozen Green Peas". The peas are a bright green color and are slightly translucent. There are a few ice crystals on the surface of the peas. The table is a light brown color and has a few scratches on it. There is a small piece of paper on the table

Frozen Green Peas

Frozen Green Peas: A Healthy and Convenient Way to Add Nutrients to Your Diet
The photo shows a label for frozen green molokhia. The label is in Arabic and English. It says the following: • Frozen Green Molokhia

Frozen Green Molokhia

Frozen Green Molokhia: A Delicious and Healthy Super food.
The photo shows a crate of mangoes sitting on top of a scale. The mangoes are mostly yellow with some red skin. They are round and have a smooth skin. The crate is made of wood and has a slatted top. The photo was taken in a warehouse or grocery store.

Fresh Mangoes

Fresh Mangoes: The Sweetest Treat of Summer
The photo shows a flyer for frozen green okra. The flyer is in Arabic and English, and it has a lot of information about the product, including: • The product name: Frozen Green Okra (بامية خضراء مجمدة)
Frozen Green Okra
The photo shows a package of frozen carrots and peas. The package is white with black text and graphics. The text on the front of the package says "بسلة و جزر Frozen Carrots & Pees" (Frozen Carrots and Peas in Arabic) and "Freshly Picked and Frozen". The back of the package has more information about the product, including the weight, nutritional information, and a barcode.
Frozen Carrots and Peas
The photo shows a package of grilled eggplant from Al Bostan, a frozen vegetable and fruit company. The package is white with black text and graphics. The text on the front of the package says "باذنجان مشوي Grilled Eggplant" (Grilled Eggplant in Arabic) and "Freshly Picked and Frozen". The back of the package has more information about the product, including the weight, nutritional information, and a barcode.
Frozen Eggplant
The photo is a pile of pomegranate seeds in a blue bag. The seeds are a deep red color and they are arranged in a neat pile. The bag is made of a soft blue fabric and it is tied with a white string.
Frozen Pomegranates
The photo shows a basket of frozen strawberries on a white background. The strawberries are a deep red color and they are arranged in a neat pile. The strawberries are slightly frosted, which is a sign that they have been frozen quickly and properly. This will help to preserve their flavor and nutrients.
Frozen Strawberries
The photo shows a wooden crate filled with pomegranates. The pomegranates are red and have blue stickers on them. The crate is sitting on a concrete floor. There is a time stamp of 4:27 and a signal strength of 4G in the bottom right corner of the photo.
Fresh Pomegranates